
28 02, 2022

Parliament Cleaning Group: Hiring Process

By |2022-02-28T00:41:50-05:00February 28th, 2022|General|

Every business owner wants to hire and retain efficient, hard working and reliable staff. Finding the right staff for a service-based business is crucial for any company’s success. But how do we know when we have the ‘right’ staff? The first step is knowing exactly what qualities to look for. Sometimes an individual may not

29 06, 2021

Advantages of Proper Entrance Matting

By |2021-06-29T22:00:30-04:00June 29th, 2021|General|

Entrance matting is the first thing we see when we enter a store, condominium, industrial facility, or commercial building. Proper entrance matting creates a safe, clean, and more comfortable environment. It is also the most basic way to ensure the cleanliness of an interior. Visitors, clients, and customers tend to form a good first impression

22 06, 2021

Proper entrance matting can help you save money

By |2021-06-22T18:16:54-04:00June 22nd, 2021|General|

A clean well appointed entrance helps visitors and clients feel welcome. Entrance matting provides security, cleanliness, and safety to an entrance. Proper matting also enhances the appearance level of any condominium, restaurant or office.  Property owners and property managers may think twice before investing in entrance matting.  It may be an added expenditure but there